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These are various demo tracks...
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張國榮 Leslie Cheung (Demo)
Description:  Leslie demoed his own song!! With only Alex San on a simple piano backing, Leslie sang out the melodies with his deepest emotions, before sending the tape to the arranger for arranging the song.
張國榮在錄音室內親自 Demo 自己作曲的歌, 在辛偉力簡單的鋼琴伴奏下, 可以聽到哥哥在 Demo 要 交給編曲之前的深情演譯 !!
Windows Media


C.Y. Kong Take My Hand   你我 (Original Demo)
Description:  Original 1995 English demo version of Jan Lamb's song.
林海峰 你我 原裝英文版 Demo1995
這是最初期交給林海峰揀歌的 Demo。林海峰最後的版本是由
Adrian Chan 編曲﹐ 而 C.Y. 自己的編曲是略有出入的。
Windows Media


莫文蔚 Karen Morris 細雨 (1992 Demo)
Description:  Another one of these Kelly Chen songs on her 1998 "DaDiDum" CD that Mark Lui wrote this song back in 1990, C.Y.Kong wrote lyrics for this and Karen demoed it in 1992. This original demo has slightly different lyrics/arrangements.(1990/1992)
另一首一九九二年莫文蔚為雷頌德唱的示範聲帶, 其實「細雨」已是雷頌德 一九九零年的作品, 歌詞由 C.Y.Kong 負責. 陳慧琳的版本則在一九九八年 她的「Da Di Dum (我失戀)」大碟中找到, 歌詞和編曲略有少許不同.
Composed & Arranged by Mark Lui. Lyrics by C. Y. Kong
Windows Media


莫文蔚 Karen Morris Mon Amour
("情人說"1992 Demo)
Description: This song was the very original version of the Kelly Chen song (duet with Anthony Wong) on her "Watch a Movie" CD. Mark Lui wrote this song back in 1991, and Karen demoed it in 1992 to get her record deal into the Show Biz. This original demo has different lyrics (written by Karen's Brother) and also a very long solo part where Karen showed off her singing power in the ad-lib part.
陳慧琳「一齣戲」大碟中與黃耀明合唱的「情人說」的 demo 版本。
其實雷頌德在一九九一年已寫了這歌﹐九二年莫文蔚便憑這 demo 進軍香港樂壇。原本的 demo 更是由 Karen 的哥哥填詞! 而中段部份亦有一段很長的音樂過門﹐給 Karen 表演她的唱功!!
Windows Media


莫文蔚 Karen Morris 2gether (1992 Demo)
Description:  This was another demo that Karen did for C.Y.Kong and Mark Lui back in 1992, with music composed by Mark and CY, and lyrics written by both of them as well! Karen sang the demo and also performed this in the London University "LSE Chinese Variety Show" back in Febuary1992. The song in the end ended up as a track of Sammi's album. (1992)
一九九二年莫文蔚為 C.Y.Kong 及雷頌德唱的示範聲帶, 由 CY 與 Mark 聯手作曲,歌詞亦是由兩人一起包辦。Karen 亦曾在九二年二月倫敦大學 中的「V-Show」內演唱過此曲。 而這首歌最後是收錄在鄭秀文的大碟內。
Composed & Arranged by Mark Lui & C.Y. Kong.
Windows Media


雷有輝 Patrick Lui 追尋  Demo
Description:  Another Demo version. This is actually the demo to Andy Lau song in 1997. After Taichi's split-up, in 1996, Patrick continues to write songs for other artists, this was one of them. Originally it was supposed to be for Tony Leung Chiu Wai, but in the end the record company transferred the song to Andy Lau! Patrick's demo is very different to Andy Lau's, and Pat even pretends to sing in Japanese!! If after you listen to his demo and think Patrick should keep on singing / composing and release a solo album as an artist, please feel free to sign the Guestbook here - we'll inform him!!!! (1996)
另一首 Demo 示範作品。這便是劉德華九七年大碟中的派台歌 「為何帶他走」的最早期 Demo﹐ 由雷有輝自己製作。 其實早在九六年時當太極拆夥後﹐雷有輝仍繼續 有作曲給其他歌手﹐ 而當中的這首「 追尋」﹐原來是曾交給梁朝偉的﹐後來藝能最後卻轉 了給劉德華用。 Demo版本與最後劉德華的版本非常不同﹐而阿Pat 更 以半Jam / 半「玩」的日文來唱﹗如果大家聽完之後﹐覺得雷有輝應該 繼續唱歌﹐作曲和出唱片的話﹐不妨在本頁的 GuestBook 內簽名留言!
Windows Media


C.Y. Kong

Distort (Demo)
Description:  Original demo for Faye Wong's "Up to the Brambles" (1999). It is rumored that this demo was done within 8 hours. Lyrics seemed to be aimed at a certain woman hating a betraying husband...!! (1999)
王菲 “開到荼蘼”的 Demo 版 (1999)。 聽說是八個小時內完成的 Demo! 歌詞好像是說一個太太討厭出賣她的丈夫!!
Composed & Arranged by C.Y. Kong.
Windows Media


Jean Chien & C. Y. Kong 溶解 (Demo)
Description:  Original demo for Joey Yung's "Psychic Love" (2000)
容祖兒 “精神戀愛” 的 Demo 版。 (2000)
Composed & Arranged by C.Y. Kong.
Windows Media


Jean Chien & C. Y. Kong Home (Demo)
Description:  Original demo for BoBo Chan's "En Route" (2000)
陳文緩 “順路” 的 Demo 版。 (2000)
Composed & Arranged by C.Y. Kong.
Windows Media


Jean Chien & C. Y. Kong 灰飛  Grey Fly (Demo)
Description:  Original demo for Eason Chan's "Low Type Animals" (1999), music & lyrics composed by Jean, arranged and programmed/played by C.Y.
陳亦迅 “低等動物” 的 Demo 版。由 Jean Chien 作曲填詞﹐ 
C.Y. 編曲及負責 所有樂器部份。
Composed by Jean Chien. Arranged by C.Y. Kong.
Windows Media


Jean Chien & C. Y. Kong Snow (Demo)
Description: Original demo for Tarcy So's "My Tears are Shaking" (1999), composed & arranged by C.Y., original lyrics written by Jean.
蘇慧倫 1999 年 『懶人日記』大碟內“我的眼淚在顫抖” 的 Demo 版。由 C.Y. 作曲編曲﹐原有的詞是 Jean Chien 填寫。
Composed & Arranged by C.Y. Kong. Lyrics by Jean Chien
Windows Media


鄧建明 Joey Tang Can U See Me Now... (Demo)
Description: The demo of the song Joey Tang wrote for Andy Hui. Andy said Joey was drunk when he wrote & sang this!!!
許志安「一家一減你 」的原版 demo, 由作曲的Joey自己自彈自唱。許志安說Joey是在飲醉酒後作的﹐大家不妨聽聽是否非常醉酒 feel !!
Windows Media


因葵 + 申偉力 Yan Kwai + Alex San 香港料理 (Demo)
Description:  Demo for Adam Cheng's Song in 1999, composed by Alex San & C. Y. Kong. Demo is sung by Lyricist Yan Kwai & Producer Alex San. What a laugh :)
鄭少秋 1999 年 “香港料理” 的 Demo 版。由申偉力及C. Y. Kong作曲, 填詞的 因葵 及 監製的 申偉力 主唱! 做音樂有時也需要輕鬆呀!
Composed by Alex San / C.Y. Kong. Lyrics by Yan Kwai
Produced by Alex San.
Windows Media



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